Areas Of Specialization
Reconstructive Urology.
Stricture Urethra
Paediatric Per Cutaneous Nephro Lithotomy (PCNL)
Renal Transplantation
Reconstructive Urology.
Reconstructive Urology has been an ever challenging task. Having worked in teaching Institutions for more than 15 years we get referrals from various parts of the country for managing such difficult cases, especially those with complex Genito urinary tuberculosis, failed pyeloplasties, crippled hypospadias and restenosis after urethroplasties. Reconstructing such complex cases has not only been so challenging and daunting, but also sometimes technically extremely difficult to salvage these organs. SRMC, being a tertiary care referral centre, attracts many of such complex cases that need special expertise and attention.
Stricture Urethra.
Stricture Urethra has been yet another area that needs a special mention. Complicated strictures and re-strictures of urethra have been operated upon by me, initially under the watchful guidance of Prof Ganesh Gopalakrishnan at CMC, Vellore. My skills were further fine-tuned and over time, I have accumulated adequate expertise to perform Redo urethroplasties independently.
Per Cutaneous Nephro Lithotomy (PCNL)
Per Cutaneous Nephro Lithotomy (PCNL) has been yet another domain of my special interest. The standard of care for large volume kidney stones, these days, has shifted from traditional open surgical procedures like Pyelolithotomy and Nephro lithotomy towards PCNL. SRMC Institution has a dedicated pediatric urology division and many children with large and complex stones are referred to our centre for PCNL. Our centre boasts one of the largest numbers of Supracostal PCNLs in our country. Owing to the large numbers of stone disease patients that we get in our Institution, and with gaining more expertise and refinement in puncture techniques, we have now moved towards Supine PCNLs and micro puncture PCNLs that are minimally invasive forms of this technique.
Renal Transplantation
Renal Transplantation has been yet another domain where I developed interest over time. During my stay at CMC hospital, I had involved myself in more than 500 Renal allograft transplants, both Live and Deceased. Of late laparoscopic organ retrieval from the donor has been the standard of care in our hospital..