NAURO - A One Stop Solution for all kidney related Problems






Services available

NAURO KIDNEY SPECIALITY CLINIC offers a ONE STOP SOLUTION for all kidney related problems. All kidney related issues, A to Z, are being treated here. The following are the services available at our centre:

Counselling, guidance and treatment for

  • All sorts of urinary problems
  • Kidney Stone diseases:
  • Prostate related problems
  • Male factor infertility
  • Urine leakage in women
  • Post prostate surgery leakage of urine
  • Kidney failure – peritoneal dialysis and transplantation.
  • Urethral stricture disease
  • Urine leakage in children
  • Bed wetting in adolescent children
  • Counselling for
    • Marriage
    • Pre-marital erectile problems
    • Ejaculatory dysfunctions
    • Sexual problems



The kidneys filter the blood and the waste products are transferred through the ureters to be stored in the bladder as urine. Urine is then discharged through the urethra to empty the bladder. Kidneys play a vital role in production of blood cells from bone marrow, maintenance of blood pressure and also in Vit-D metabolism.

There are several types of cancer that can affect the kidneys. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), is the most common form and accounts for approximately 85% of all kidney cancers. In RCC, malignant cells develop in the lining of the kidney's tubules and typically grow into a mass called a tumour. The earlier kidney tumours are discovered, the better a patient's chances for survival. Tumours discovered at an early stage often respond well to treatment. Survival rates in such cases are high. Tumours that have grown large or spread to other parts of the body are much more difficult to treat and present a greatly increased risk to patients life.

Patients who have loin pain, blood in urine or a vagulely felt lump in upper abdomen are likely to have kidney cancer. It is important to consult a nearby doctor to get ultrasound scan followed by a specialist consultation to decide on further course of action.



Cancer that begins in the bladder.

This cancer typically affects older adults. It's usually diagnosed early, when it's still treatable. It's likely to recur, so follow-up tests are typically recommended.

The most common symptom is blood in the urine. Patients may also have lower abdominal pain.

Treatments include endoscopic resection of the mass (TURBT) and radical removal of the whole urinary bladder and a few adjoining structures..
Patients would also need chemotherapy and radiotherapy depending on the severity.

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